Trump Delegate Looks Forward To Finding A ‘Real Man’ At GOP Convention



BATON ROUGE – (CT&P) – Tanya “Hep C” McGhee, a Trump delegate from Syphilis Springs, Louisiana told CNN last week that she hopes to “land a real man” when she travels to Cleveland in less than two weeks.

“There just ain’t too many guys to choose from down here. All the good ones is taken and the few that are left just want to take advantage of me for my body,” said McGhee, as she wiped tobacco juice from her chin.

When asked why she supported Trump, she said that he really told it like it was and would help run off “all them slant-eyed devils” coming in from southeast Asia and stealing all the good jobs at all the hair salons and “toenail trimmers.”

“Trump is gonna make America great again like it was before we let all them black folks and foreigners come in and take over,” said McGhee. “Obama has done destroyed this country and it’s gonna take a straight talkin’ businessman like Trump to rebuild ‘Murica.”

McGhee said that while she was in Cleveland she’d be staying at the Motel 6 out by the airport and that any ‘real man’ interested in a loving, long-term relationship should make plans to drop by.

McGhee said that she’s optimistic that out of all the neo-Nazis and white nationalists that are planning to attend, there’d be at least one who would make a good husband and dad to her seven young kids.

“There’s got to be at least one guy out there that’ll appreciate a hard-workin’, fun-lovin’, gal like me,” said McGhee.

McGhee said that whoever comes by her room better damn sure bring his own Budweiser because she’s “had it up to here” with freeloaders.

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